Where’s the Beauty in Strata Title
or, why not try to find and bring artistry into strata lives, work and play …
A Quick Read
I’m a lover of fine and beautiful things.
I’m a lover of strata title buildings, laws, people and activities.
And, I want to experience both at the same time to feel inspired, uplifted and joyful in my work and in my private life.
But, too often there’s way too much ordinariness, lack of creativity, negativity, reductionism, and [frankly] ugliness on show in strata title … and, it’s a buzzkill.
So, in this article and future Daily Posts I’m arguing for and looking out for the beauty and artistry in strata title stuff and will share things that reflect those aspects of it.
[a 7:00 minute read, with 1421 words]
The Full Article
In the strata title apartment management and services sector, day-to-day responsibilities can sometimes feel transactional or routine: collecting strata levies, responding to repair and maintenance requests, enforcing policies, dealing with information applications, parking complaints, etc, etc. Yet, at the heart of this work lies a profound opportunity to bring beauty, connection, creativity and well being into people’s lives. By recognising the artistry in every interaction and task, strata citizens, strata suppliers and strata professionals can rediscover a sense of purpose and transform “just a job” into an inspiring vocation and life.
So how can we find beauty in strata living and service?
By inspiring strata apartment citizens, suppliers and professionals through inquisitiveness, creativity and purpose.
I see it everywhere in strata title, and it’s the reason I’m still so enthusiastic after decades.
So, here’s my take on beauty and artistry in strata and some of the ways to find and/or get it.
Seeing problems as creative challenges
Whether it’s coordinating meetings and decisions or troubleshooting equipment malfunctions, the strata committee’s or manager’s role is brimming with problem-solving opportunities. By approaching these challenges like an artist, you can shift from a purely functional mindset to one of curiosity and innovation. Instead of asking, “How do I fix this issue quickly?” try asking, “How can I create a more beautiful, lasting outcome for strata owners and residents?” This reframing makes the process more rewarding and promotes a deeper sense of pride in the end result.
Finding aesthetics in orderliness
The simple act of maintaining cleanliness in lobbies, hallways, and common areas or properly organised, labelled and searchable strata records can be seen as creating a canvas for strata citizens to enjoy. Much like an artist who tidies a studio before beginning to paint, strata citizens of all kinds are curating a space that uplifts everyone’s experiences. Recognising and celebrating this crucial role can help strata managers, goods and services providers or professional advisors feel valued and inspired by their efforts.
Discovering human stories in daily tasks
When handling strata owner or resident concerns to scheduling events, strata professionals connect with countless personal narratives. These stories; of families and individuals building lives, of newcomers adjusting to a new place, or of elder residents reminiscing about the past—are full of potential moments of empathy and beauty. Acknowledging these human elements transforms a list of tasks into a tapestry of meaningful connections and touch points to enhance lives.
Personalised communication and notices
Instead of sending generic notices, circulars or newsletters, add a splash of creativity: perhaps an uplifting quote, a table or graph, a simple sketch, an image, or a colourful layout. By using design elements and warm language, even essential reminders or strata levy notices can convey respect, thoughtfulness and humanity. This kind of approach not only makes communications more engaging for the recipient but also more satisfying for the sender and also fosters positive relationships between strata management and strata owners and residents.
Curated spaces as collective artwork
Strata committees, goods and services suppliers and professionals can become and act as curators of the strata environments. Better and more appropriate selections of objects for parts of the strata buildings [in lobbies, refurbishment, decorations for seasonal changes, or enhancing waiting areas with subtle artistic touches (like curated colour schemes or well-placed plants)] allow strata spaces to become a living, dynamic installations. Doing the same in your workplace has similar effects. Recognise that these seemingly unimportant and often ignored decisions have a direct impact on strata citizen’s moods and satisfaction levels.
Team collaboration as a creative process
When people approach meetings, projects and brainstorming sessions with an artistic mindset [open to new ideas, collaborations, and experimentation], they foster a culture of engagement and innovation. Plus, they create shared interest in the outcomes. Just as a group of artists or musicians might collectively shape a piece of art, song or dance, teams of strata stakeholders can pool diverse perspectives to craft imaginative solutions that benefit everyone involved.
Renewed sense of purpose
Viewing daily strata responsibilities through a collaborative and creative lens nourishes the mental well being of strata owners, committees, goods and services suppliers and professionals. And, thinking about them as important steps towards valuable outcomes gives them purpose. Rather than feeling stuck in repetitive and mundane duties, strata managers and others can experience intrinsic rewards: pride, accomplishment, and a sense of contributing positively to people’s lives.
Enhanced motivation and morale
Creative expression and recognition for thoughtful touches inspire people to invest more energy and care in their actions and work. This enthusiasm can become contagious, leading to more cohesive, motivated strata groups. For strata managers and goods and service providers, there are very tangible impacts of their creative decisions, like a strata owner or resident’s happiness with the outcomes, and their sense of fulfillment grows.
Stress reduction and job satisfaction
Strata work is hard, tedious and stressful. Art and beauty have the power to reduce stress. When tasks are approached with a spirit of creativity and understanding their contribution to outcomes, challenges feel less burdensome. And, the strata environment itself [in strata buildings and workplaces] enriched by colours, personalities, whimsy, and inclusive motifs, offers subtle respite to people spending long hours on things. Over time, such a supportive atmosphere significantly contributes to higher satisfaction and lower burnout.
Encouraging strata people led projects
Empower strata citizens of all kinds to propose small scale creative projects in their strata buildings, in their workplaces and even virtually. Maybe someone enjoys photography and wants to display images in the lobby, or a maintenance worker has a knack for painting murals, or someone has great playlists, and so much more. Providing strata citizens with opportunities to contribute their personal talents and tastes not only beautifies strata title things but also fosters a deeper sense of ownership and pride among everyone.
Recognising and celebrating everyday achievements
Openly acknowledge small wins: a concierge who resolved a difficult resident request with empathy, a team member who rearranged meetings to suit strata owners, a strata owner complying with a by law or rule, or a maintenance worker who installed a new light fixture that enhances the ambience. Celebrations of even the expected, whether formal or informal, reinforce that creativity and care are valued within the strata group.
Integrating well being initiatives
Periodically use professionals from the creative and self improvement world, such as local artists, decorators, or even mindfulness trainers, to supply information, guides and more for strata citizens. These things can range from design tips, affirmations, stress relief ideas and amusing snippets to invest in mental and emotional growth and well-being.
The ripple effects
When the strata title apartment ownership, management, and services sector embrace creativity and see beauty in their responsibilities, the benefits inevitably extend to the wider resident community.
By cultivating an artistic mindset in our day-to-day lives and work, strata apartment citizens, managers, goods and service providers, professionals, and others can uncover the hidden beauty within even the most routine tasks, day-to-day activities, their buildings and their decisions.
This reframing elevates the sense of purpose, reduces stress, and strengthens the emotional well-being of both strata service providers and professionals and the strata owners and residents they serve.
When we look for the beauty in the details or big picture and when each task becomes a brushstroke contributing to a broader strata masterpiece, strata life and work itself becomes a source of inspiration, a testament to the transformative power of creativity and care in our shared living and working environments.
I know this all sounds a bit woo-woo… but so what?
I will keep looking for and sharing the beauty and artistry I see, find and come across.
If you see similar things, please share them too.
February 27, 2025
Francesco ...
Beauty is in the eye of the beholder!