Be my Strata Valentine, Please
or, roses are red, violets are blue, I’m in strata love, what about you …
A Quick Read
Today’s the day I reveal my unrequited strata love. But I know I’m not alone in this heartache. So, here’s a few Valentine’s day wishes for strata apartment owners, dwellers, managers, regulators and lovers.
[a 2:45 minute read with 550 words]
The Full Article
Ah, it’s Valentine’s Day tomorrow!
A time when Cupid’s arrows soar across cityscapes, occasionally getting stuck in the common property satellite dish, a telco antenna or puncturing the roof membrane. But no worry as love conquers all.
In strata apartment buildings, where living spaces are snug and neighbours are closer than in suburbia, celebrating the day of love takes on a unique and special twist.
So, here are some heartfelt Valentine’s Day wishes tailor-made for the delightful denizens of our vertical [and horizontal] strata communities.
To the Gym Enthusiasts:
May your love be as strong as the Wi-Fi signal in the gymnasium, spa and pool. And remember, nothing says ‘I adore and care for you’ like relinquishing your turn on the treadmill and, of course, wiping it down.
For the Rooftop Gardeners:
May your affections bloom like the mysteriously well-nourished plants in the rooftop and wall gardens. And may your romantic gestures not be drowned like the basement during last month's flood.
To the Night Owls and the Early Birds:
A wish for harmony between those who blast romantic ballads at midnight and those sipping coffees at dawn. May your schedules, and ours, align just enough for a polite nod in the common hallway.
For the Pet Owners:
Here’s to hoping your and my furry and feathered friends find love too, and not just from us. But, preferably not in the form of a little surprise at the bottom of the stairs or in the foyer.
To the Parking Spot Swipers:
May you find someone who understands you as deeply as that neighbour you believe is happy when you use their parking spot.
For the Strata Committee:
A Valentine’s wish for less drama than we had at the last AGM and more love than the communal BBQ area after a long weekend.
To the Elevator Awkward Small-Talkers:
May you find the right words, or at least, an elevator that’s speedy enough to make those awkward silences shorter.
For the Laundry Room Borrowers:
Wishing you a love that’s as enduring as that mystery sock left in the dryer. May your hearts be as full and your laundry baskets are empty. And please return my missing undies.
To the Hallway Hello-ers:
May our brief interactions blossom into a love as enduring and reliable as the lobby’s potted plant. But, hopefully with a bit more dazzle and beauty.
For Every Strata Citizen:
May your Strata Valentine’s Day be filled with unexpected delights, like an elevator that arrives promptly, a smoke alarm that stays silent, no overly noisy late parties that you’re not invited to], and no surprise emergency drills today.
In a strata building, where lives intertwine like cables in a utility room, every small interaction holds the potential for connection, caring and [who knows] even more.
So, here’s to finding love and acceptance in your strata building today. Or, at least, a new friend to complain about the strata fees with.
Happy Strata Valentine’s Day!
February 13, 2024
Francesco ...